Mulan Members

Member Benefits

Members have access to exclusive Mulan Club created events and Mulan presented partner events. Members have access to Mulan Club network and business platform. Members are eligible to participate special ventures and projects presented through Mulan Club.

Member Eligibility

Members must be Asian women with leadership, passion and committed to Mulan Club mission. Members may have the right to vote and stand for election. Members shall try their best to participate in the events organized by Mulan Club and abide by the rules. Members are required to pay membership fee.

Any new member must be recommended by at least one existing member, participate in at least one Mulan Club event and approved by at least 1/2 board members.

All annual membership fees are due on March 31st of each year. Any increase in the membership fee according to the club’s needs and economical situations will need majority votes from the current board.

Join in Now

Once you have submitted your application, our board members will review your application.